The Rowes are hard-working farmers. Frieda is windblown and weathered like the stone. Peter has hands which are enormous and feel like deep leather worn soft with wear. When we approached the stone, it looked like someone sitting with their hand on the opposite knee. The sheep looked directly at us through the fence. This fence was built after Peter busted his plow on the stone repeatedly. He decided the only solution was to move the fence to the stone. They feared moving the stone for they felt that when a stone is moved it is “moved from it’s source of nourishment.” There were also local stories of farmers being maimed or disaster occurring if a stone is moved.
“I feel the warmth of the stone even in winter.” says Frieda. At first when I went to the stone, I felt ignored. Now I know the stone is there when I pass on the road. I can even see it from my bedroom window.”